Friday, 14 October 2011

Walk for Wishes and more

It's hard to believe another week has come and gone! Time flies, doesn't it? I can recall being a child and thinking time just dragged on, but the older I get the faster it seems to go by. There are never enough hours in the day to get everything done I would like to, and I'm told I have to sleep sometime.

Tomorrow my children and I will be participating in the Walk for Wishes in Lloydminster, AB. The Walk raises money for the Wish Foundation so children with life-threatening illnesses may get their wish. The Walk is approaching quickly, but the donations may continue for weeks after the event. I encourage anyone and everyone to make a donation; every little bit helps.

The reason we are walking is because my son received a Wish in 2008. He was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma in September of 2007 and underwent chemotherapy treatment for 9 months, plus had part of the bone in his lower leg removed. The surgery went well and he has been cancer-free for three years now. There is nothing scarier then being told your child has cancer; we were fortunate as he is still with us. Many families aren't that fortunate.

Lives are changed forever when cancer strikes. When I chose to spend my time with my son instead of going to work I was criticized by my employers for doing so. Their belief was work came first, then my family. It was at that point I made a decision; I would work from home. It wasn't until after his treatment was complete that I was able to make the transition, but it was a decision I do not regret. I did bookkeeping from home, but then the clients I had wanted me to go to their offices. That defeated the purpose of working from home, so I chose a different path.

In January of 2010 I started writing and submitting articles online. The pay varies and depends on views, company, and several other factors. I enjoy writing and it was then I decided to write a book. My original plan was one book, but as I worked on it I realized a series would be much better. The entire book might not appeal to everyone, but each in the series would have a different target audience.

Being a Homemaker has given me the experience and knowledge to write from my perspective. I have been on my own since I was 16, so have many years of cooking, cleaning, baking and doing all of the other household chores. Plus, I have worked outside the home at different times through the years and have gained experience in other fields as well. At this point the pay isn't great, but it is worth the sacrifices I have made. I have to say it is not for everyone, but for me I wouldn't have it any other way.

Please support us in our Walk tomorrow and please support a good cause. One never knows when the tables can turn and they are the people on the receiving end of a very crappy hand. I firmly believe what goes around comes around, and those who condemn others for their choices get bit in the rear-end eventually. I also believe those who do good for others will be rewarded; perhaps not monetarily but in other ways.

I will be posting early next week and sharing what went on at the Walk for Wishes. It will be a fun day tomorrow, and I am proud to say my son will be one of the Wish Kids carrying the banner and leading the Walk!

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