Monday, 31 October 2011

10 Tips for Halloween Safety!

Happy Halloween! It is hard to believe October is almost over!  Tonight is the night when all the little ghosts, goblins and Harry Potter's will be out and about; not to mention the cute dragons, tigers and princesses. It is so exciting for the kids today.

With the Trick or Treat festivities, it is also important to keep safety in mind.

  1. Wear a costume that doesn't inhibit the ability to see properly. A painted face is better than a mask which blocks vision. Also be sure it fits properly and isn't going to trip you as you walk.
  2. Do not cross back and forth across the street; walk up one side, then cross at the corner and walk down the other. Not all motorists drive safely, so be sure to be extra careful.
  3. Do not go inside stranger's homes. If they ask you to come inside, politely refuse. If it means no treat, then that's okay. It is better to be safe than sorry.
  4. Do not eat any homemade treats or apples; there have been far too many injuries from pins and other things being in them. Not everyone gets in the Halloween spirit; they would just as soon cause harm as do good.
  5. Parents, please go through the candy before the kids eat it. If they want a treat along the way, give them something they can have from home.
  6. Carry a flashlight. Not all homes will be well lit; safety wise it is best to avoid those that do not appear to be welcoming.
  7. Leave your pets at home. The little doggie costumes are cute, but even the cutest dog can bite. With all the activity, pets can become stressed. 
  8. Keep in contact with each other; have a route mapped out and carry a cell phone or two-way radio. This is especially important in bigger centers, but don't let the small town atmosphere fool you. 
  9. Travel with a group rather than alone. Safety in numbers!
  10. If you are the one behind the wheel driving your little ghosts and goblins about, be careful. Not all kids will remember to look before crossing the street.
Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!


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