Monday, 12 December 2011

10 Cold & Flu Season Tips

It seems as soon as school is back in for another year or the weather starts to change, the flu bugs increase in numbers. The following 10 Cold & Flu Season Tips can help decrease the spread of the bugs and make the sick people in your home as comfortable as possible.

  1. First and foremost: wash hands frequently. Germs are spread very easily through contact with other people and common surfaces such as door handles, refrigerator doors and taps. Soap and water works well for hand washing and surfaces can be sprayed with Lysol or other sanitizer.
  2. Keep the sick person as isolated as possible. This is not always easy, but it does help in preventing the spread of germs. Give children books to read or let them watch a movie if they feel up to it. Otherwise, resting is best. Depending on what type of bug they have, sleep is often interrupted due to coughing, stuffiness or vomiting. 
  3. Provide plenty of fluids to keep the body hydrated. This is particularly important with stomach bugs, as diarrhea and vomiting can quickly dehydrate. Pedialyte or Gatorade are beneficial, as well as diluted ginger ale, water and weak tea. Stay away from dairy products if at all possible. If fighting a stomach flu, also stay away from citrus juices as these can aggravate the stomach more.
  4. For coughs and colds, juice is beneficial as it increases the Vitamin C our bodies need to help fight germs. Dairy products will increase mucous production, so it is best to stay away from  them for awhile as well.
  5. For those well enough to eat offer crackers, toast and chicken noodle soup to begin with. This is especially important for those recovering from a stomach bug. Too much food too quickly can easily upset the system again.
  6. Keep the sick person warm and comfortable. Provide blankets, pillows and buckets (if necessary) in addition to tissue and any required medications.
  7. If they are running a fever acetaminophen is a good fever reducer, as well as a cool washcloth on the forehead. A tepid bath may also help.
  8. To prevent, or at least minimize, the onset of a flu maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan. The healthier you are when and if it does hit, the quicker you will recover.
  9. Minimize exposure to others; keep sick people home and do not allow visitors. This is not always possible but it does decrease the number of germs spread.
  10. If the sick individual doesn't appear to be getting better after 24 hours, do not hesitate to seek medical attention. This is especially important for those with weakened immune systems; infants, the elderly and anyone undergoing treatment for more serious illnesses. Use your judgement; do not wait the full 24 hours if something doesn't seem right. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Taking simple precautions to prevent flu bugs from invading your home is beneficial. If they do attack, following the tips above will make them feel unwelcome and they will quickly leave.

Have a great day, and stay healthy!


p.s. Did you find this list helpful? Please comment below. Thanks!


  1. Thanks for the 10 cold and flu season tips. With the changing weather I expect to see a lot of people starting to get sick.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Even with all of the precautions, a 24 hour bug still managed to find me just after Christmas. I know it could have been much worse if I hadn't followed my own advice.

  2. Thanks for the list of ten tips to get everyone through the cold and flu seasons. Keeping someone sick in your household isolated is probably a good way to stop your whole family from getting sick.

    1. Thank you! Yes, keeping the person isolated does reduce the amount of germs spread. It is also better for them as they can have quiet so they can rest, as opposed to being in the midst of a busy household.
