Friday, 11 November 2011

Remembrance Day

Today is the day we officially honor those who fought for our freedom. Let us not forget the sacrifice they made. Many made the ultimate sacrifice; their lives. It is so easy for us to go about our daily lives and not give much thought to how fortunate we are. Although today is the day of honor, how many take time throughout the rest of the year to remember?

On Wednesday I attended an early Remembrance Day Ceremony at my children's school. My son and several of his classmates were responsible for putting together a program and delivering the message to all who attended. It was an emotional ceremony to say the least; there were many tears being wiped away throughout. The students had covered the stage door in black paper, had the lettering surrounded by poppies, and had candles lit on tables in front of the stage. Candles were also lit by some of the students for peace, love, dedication, honor and freedom. There was a slide show to correspond with the program, which showed our soldiers in full gear fighting for our country. Also honored were the soldiers who continue to fight for our freedoms today.

The students were fortunate enough to be able to interview a teacher whose son spent time in Iraq. It was very moving, as we don't generally think of anyone so close to home being in the service. Her and her family can look back on the experience and be thankful he is still with them; others weren't so lucky.

I encourage everyone to wear a poppy; not just today, but other days as well. I have poppies pinned to wall hangings in my home to honor the soldiers every day, not just on November 11. They deserve the honor and respect, as many paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

Honor them with silence...

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